Hi! I’m Vlad GURDIGA. 👋🙂
It’s good to have you here. Here I’m writing mostly on thechical subjects, like UNIXy stuff, vim, and GNU make, but I also touch on productivity and personal development.
My new notion of web app
One of my side projects that I’ve been toying with, is a productivity app for bailiffs. And since I’m reading “Lean Customer Development” by Cindy Alvarez, a few days ago I went with my partner to interview a bailiff — a former college teammate of his.
My practical Vim
Last night I have finished re-reading Drew Neil’s “Practical Vim” and I gathered a whole lot of little things that I want to try, and include in my workflow if they fit.
My awkward writing
My articles here so far are more awkward than not, and I was a bit confused about why would that be. I was wondering about that because, if I look at my emails, I generally consider them as coherent and well put together, I even take some kind of pride in that.Then how come my articles are not that good? I think I have an answer and it’s in a way similar to my theory about why public speaking is generally considered hard.When I write an email, I generally have a clear subject, and a known audience—a specific person—and I write about a specific aspect about the subject. And I believe these two knowns is what makes it relatively easy to write a clear and coherent message.On the other hand, in case of blogging this is not the case. Although I may know the subject, I don’t know the audience at all, and whether they are interested or not in the specific aspect of the subject that I’m trying to talk about.I think this is what makes it hard: if I don’t know you’re interested to hear about X, I will be reticent speaking about it, and I will probably fall sideways into other things that I guess may be more interesting to you.So my theory is that this is what makes blogging—or public speaking—hard, and from here I think it’ll be easier to find a way out. Yay!
My make
About a year ago I wanted to jshint only files that have changed since the last run, and with Grunt I had to write custom code to do that. I used to be able to find my way through Makefiles in FreeBSD ports when I was a kid, so decided to try make.
Oiling promise chains
When working with asynchronous procedures in Node, I find promise chains help me write pretty readable linear-looking code:
My cloud
I have a little Tonido plug on my fridge. For last 4-5 years it proudly served a couple of static websites, hosted the DNS zones for a few domains, and the SMTP redirection for those few domains. It didn’t hold the messages, just forwarded them to some other email service, like GMail.
Two days
This week I had a couple of harsh days.
Promises as before filters
The Firebase JS library is callback-based, which feels pretty cumbersome after I got used to promises. So, the other day I wanted to have a FirebaseClient object that given a Firebase URL and credentials would give me a simple way to read and write data to it, something like this:
Timing promises
I have a deeply nested loop of promises that query a remote API, and I had them logging their time by default, like this:
Simple .env
I’ve seen .env being used in Heroku projects, and also in a RubyTapas episode about Dotenv gem, and I kind of liked it. But I’m reticent to add more libraries or tools to my toolset, especially if they’re language specific like Dotenv.