Hi! I’m Vlad GURDIGA. 👋🙂

It’s good to have you here. Here I’m writing mostly on thechical subjects, like UNIXy stuff, vim, and GNU make, but I also touch on productivity and personal development.

Promise array sequence

The other day at work, as during a proof-of-concept task, I needed to take a screenshot of a list of HTML pages, but massage them a bit before that. The list of pages could be long so I needed them to run in sequence.

FP concepts in shell pipelines

The other day I was faced with a little task at work: find in the current repository subdirectories that contain a file named render-javascript.js and zip those directories one by one. Here is what came out:

NPM publishing automation

I have a small module on NPM and I found myself tweaking it more than a few times lately. One piece of routine related to this kind of work is Git tag management: I want to have a tag for every new version that I publish on NPM. This is handy if you want to get a specific version of the module directly from the GitHub repository.

Switching from tape to Mocha

I have a side-project where I use tape for testing. A few days ago I stumbled on a test that I thought should fail, but passed.

We all do TDD

The other day I’ve stumbled upon the an article entitled “Testing is not a phase.” — It reads like a list of truisms. And then it came to me: Well, of course, we all do test-drive things! Let me explain.

MTA of the week: sSMTP

I fiddled with a couple of servers in the past weeks and one of the things I needed immediately was email. I wanted to allow cron and the webapps to send out emails.

Vim tip of the day: C-a and C-x

They say that in Ruby if you think “I’m wondering if there is a function that does X” then it probably exists. More and more I find that is true about Vim too.