Hi! I’m Vlad GURDIGA. 👋🙂
It’s good to have you here. Here I’m writing mostly on thechical subjects, like UNIXy stuff, vim, and GNU make, but I also touch on productivity and personal development.
Make tests less repetitive
On my side project, I strive to have as good of a unit-test coverage as I can. Because I define the input and every outputs of a scenario handler, there can be a lot of execution paths to unit-test, and so it can get pretty tedious to cover all of them. This is why I’m employing a technique that resembles data-driven testing.
Checking Tailwind CSS
One of the things on my side project that I felt iffy for some time is the UI toolkit. I have gathered notes, links, fonts, but I have held back from actually trying anything so far. I wanted to first have a robust setup that would allow me to add functionality, frontend and backend. Having that more or less in place, the goal that I had set for this sprint was to look for a UI toolkit. I have recently heard about Tailwind CSS on “The Art of Product” podcast and I made a note to take a look at it.
Online presence for $5 a month
A few months ago a friend asked for help with the degrading quality of their web host. At that time they had an old all-in-one service that was hosting their static website that they edited by hand, DNS, and email. I have done that a couple more times for the domains that I owned and for my other people, and I offered my “solution”:
One misuse of SameSite=Strict cookies
The Change Email feature on my side-project broke a few days ago.
Simpler third-party integrations
I would like to tell how I have done the third-party service integrations on my side project. Email, file storage, error logging are a few examples.
Still Bash-scripting in 2020
Bash scripting still turns out useful, even in 2020. 😉
Speeding up my TypeScript build
I was cleaning up my NPM modules on my side project. Since almost from the beginning, I have had 2 “child” package.json files, one for the backend and one for the frontend, and the “main” one in the project root.
Branching UNIX pipelines with tee
I have a confession to make: I’m a bit of a UNIX geek. You can tell that by looking at my dot-files and also by the fact that I have a Makefile
in most of my repos.
Transactional tests with Mocha.js
This week, while working on the email change scenario on my side project, I realized that my tests are not transactional, which meant that their changes to the DB could persist across test runs and so tests could influence each other. Hm… I thought I fixed this before.
Simpler unit testing
The other day while browsing through my side-project’s code I realized that I don’t have unit tests for the shared modules.