Bash scripting still turns out useful, even in 2020. đ
A couple months ago a friend of mine asked me to help export their photos from a PhotoBucket account. Itâs an ancient service and their UI and the mostly inexistent API docs seem to give very little hope at the time, so I thought I could take a look at whatâs possible.
OK, so the first thing that I do in this kind of situation is to create a Makefile
and REPL-drive a Bash script for as far as I can. âREPL-driveâ sounds funny in the context of a shell script because a shell is a REPL. So itâs just a fancy way of saying that I tweaked and ran the script until I got it to do what I needed â yeah, just old-school. đ
I have had cases where I switch to Ruby because I needed to do some more advanced text munching, but not for this project.
So, below is a bunch of Bash functions I ended up with (inline in the Makefile
), so Iâm going to add inline comments to explain whatâs going on.
# Bash doesnât have function hoisting, so I create a main() function
# which I call at the bottom of the script, and then write the thing
# top-down:
function main() {
list_albums "/albums/c111/SandraDodd"
# A PhotoBucket account has the photos organized in albums, basically
# folders. The plan is to walk the album tree and get the URLs for all
# the photos, and put them into a file, one per line. Then feed that
# file into `wget` with `xargs`.
function list_albums() {
local album_path="$1"
# This is for the case if I canceled the process, or it fails for
# some reason. I wanted to be able to skip the albums that I have
# already listed.
if finished_listing "$album_path"; then
stderr "Album already listed: $album_path, skipping."
# This is the main flow: list the photos in this album and
# append them to the photo-list.txt file.
get_photos_for_album "$album_path" >> photo-list.txt
# ...also, mark the album as finished.
echo ":: Finished $album_path." >> photo-list.txt
# Now, list the sub-albums of this album one per line, and
# recursively list them in the same way.
list_sub_albums "$album_path" \
# Here I read every line into 2 variables: first $count up
# to the first blank ($IFS), then the rest of the line goes
# into the $path variable.
| while read count path; do
# I only read the $count for debugging. Itâs the photo
# count for the album.
list_albums "$path"
# The URL to list an albumâs photos I got from the browserâs console
# while clicking around in the UI. I used the `Copy as cURL` feature of
# the console to get the URL and the request headers. I first tried to
# shiny-clean the URL and header list to the minimum necessary to get
# the data, but it was taking too long so I ended up just pasting it
# here and tweaking it a bit.
function get_photos_for_album() {
local album_path=$1
# This is how I got my debugging messages: They are written to
# STDERR, so they donât interfere with the pipeline input and
# output.
stderr "Listing photos for album $album_path:"
stderr "- page 1:"
# Here Iâm fetching the first page of the photo list. In the
# response JSON besides the data for the photos themselves, there is
# some more meta-data like total photo count, which I used to
# calculate how many pages I have to fetch.
# I found that the PhotoBucket API would sometimes fail, more often
# than I wanted anyway, so I wrote the `retry` function (below) to
# just retry the same request up to 5 times if it didnât respond in 5
# seconds. I have to say that I was surprised about how well it worked!
# :-)
# ...write the JSON to photo-list-page.json while piping it further
# into `jq` to get the photo URLs:
| tee photo-list-page.json \
# ...the -r here is to write the value as a `raw` string, with no
# quotes, so basically I would just get the URLs one per line
# printed to STDOUT which would be redirected by the function caller
# to the file list.
| jq -r '.body.objects[].fullsizeUrl'
# DEBUG: | jq . | tee /dev/fd/2 \
# I used to inject this line here âď¸ into a pipeline to print the
# JSON to STDERR. This was useful during development to inspect the
# JSON responses. In this specific context, I would paste it before
# the line above it.
local total_photo_count=`jq -r '' photo-list-page.json`
rm photo-list-page.json
stderr "total_photo_count: $total_photo_count"
# The default page-size is 23.
local page_count=$(( $total_photo_count / 23 + 1))
stderr "page_count: $page_count"
# If there are more than one pages of photos...
if [[ $page_count -gt 1 ]]; then
# ...list the next pages of photos, starting with page 2 because
# the first was listed above. I used `seq` to get the list of
# numbers.
for i in `seq 2 $page_count`; do \
stderr "- page $i:"
| jq -r '.body.objects[].fullsizeUrl'
stderr "Done."
function list_sub_albums() {
# The album name can have spaces I needed to URL-encode it to be
# able to pass it as a query string parameter, so I wrote a
# `encode_uri_component` function that shells out to Node and prints
# the URL-encoded version of a string. I could probably replace the
# spaces with "%20", but I didnât want to mess around with strings
# too much in Bash.
local album_path=`encode_uri_component "$1"`
# Here I use `jq` to pluck multiple pieces of data: albumâs photo
# count and its path. As you see `jq` also has pipelines. Pipelines
# all the way down.
| jq -r '.body.subAlbums[] | [.mediaCount, .path] | @tsv'
# This is useful for debugging: it would print a string to STDERR so
# that I can see it, and at the same time prevent it from interfering
# with the STDIN-to-STDOUT data flow through the UNIX pipeline.
function stderr() {
echo "+++ $@" > /dev/fd/2
# I use this helper function as an `if` condition, so the only relevant
# thing here is the exit status: success or failure. This is why I use
# grepâs `--quiet` parameter.
function finished_listing() {
grep --quiet ":: Finished $1." photo-list.txt
# This helper function shells out to Node to URL-encode a string.
function encode_uri_component() {
node -e "console.log(encodeURIComponent('$1'))"
# Yeah, this is weird. In some places the parameters were escaped
# instead of URL-encoded.
function js_escape() {
node -e "console.log(escape('$1'))"
# This is the useful thingy that made the whole process more reliable.
function retry() {
local retry_count=0
while true; do
# This is the key line: the Bash `timeout` built-in command will
# kill the process started on the next line if it doesnât return
# after 5 seconds.
timeout 5 "$@" && break
stderr "Timed out; retrying ($retry_count)."
if [[ $retry_count > 4 ]]; then
stderr "Command failed 5 times.\n $@"
For some reason, I get a kick when I write non-trivial Bash scripts like this, especially if I get to learn some new trick in the process. 8-)
built-in command;- the
helper function; - debugging UNIX pipelines with
| tee /dev/fd/2
My hope is that this obscure knowledge comes in useful to someone else.
UPDATE on Dec 29 2021: Marc from PCWDLD generously reached out to suggest a link to a neat quick reference to Bash they put together. In his own words, âItâs not a cheat sheet in the traditional sense as itâs more about helping someone to get started with Bash than providing some shortcuts to make life easier.â
Check it out: 8-)