One awesome thing about side projects that I get out of a side project is that I get to try my fanciest ideas. On the most recent side project, one thing that I got to try is sharing TypeScript logic and types between frontend and backend code.

Here is one way how this can be useful. A specific action, say user registration, has a set of possible error response codes, maybe the email is taken or the password is missing, or any number of reasons. I want my frontend code to be kept in-line with the backend code, and I can ask TypeScript to do check that for me. Type-check all the things!

In the code, I can define those error codes as a union type (or enum), and then use those types on both sides: the frontend and the backend. The simplest way I could think of was to have both of them in the same repo.


Now, the build. For the frontend I want to have a bundle per page. For the backend and don’t want to compile the backend at all because I don’t need it; it’s a little slower to start ts-node, but the overall build setup is simpler. Because of this difference in the build needs between frontend and backend, I need separate tsconfig.jsons.

One note about the compilation and bundling: I’d love to have tsc do that itself if possible, which turns out it is.

One other thing about build is that I’d like it to stay fast as the project grows. One way I found to do that with TypeScript is to use project references. It’s this concept where you can structure your codebase as a concert of multiple projects that can reference each other. Thanks a lot to Ryan Cavanaugh for the sample repo that shows how it’s done — it’s been very helpful.

Here are 2 things that this concept does for me:

  1. separate tsconfig.jsons for the frontend and backend;
  2. build caching, which means faster builds in the long term.
