One of the things that attracted me early on in Elm were the union
types: Having the compiler
ensure that discrete values of a variable are correct seems quite useful. And it
was as disappointing when I couldn’t find out a type-safe and reasonably
straightforward way to build a <select>
tag out of a union type. I’m
emphasizing type-safe because Elm’s type system is the reason why I’m learning
it. Conceptually these two things — a union type and a dropdown — align
perfectly, and I thought it should be a way to code it as well.
It turns out that that’s not actually possible: The selected option lives in the DOM, and so it’s a string. And now it’s up to my Elm application code to take that value and map it to a member of the union type. That clarified, how do I do that mapping in a reasonably elegant way?
I need a two-way mapping: from the union type’s members to DOM <option>
s, and
back. The first thing that comes to mind is a couple of helper functions:
and fromOptionString
. For example:
module Currency exposing (Currency)
type Currency = USD | EUR | MDL
-- often this can be replaced with `toString`
toOptionString : Currency -> String
toOptionString currency =
case currency of
USD -> "US dollar"
EUR -> "Euro"
MDL -> "Moldovan leu"
fromOptionString : String -> Currency
fromOptionString string =
case string of
"US dollar" -> USD
"Euro" -> EUR
"Moldovan leu" -> MDL
_ -> USD
This is readable code, and can totally work, but there are a couple of things that don’t sit quite well with me:
- every time I need to add a type member I have to touch 3 places;
- and the “catch all” raises any Elm programmer’s eyebrow; …although if you think about it, it absolutely makes sense: I read input from the outside, and so it’s sensible have a default case.
While this works, I wasn’t totally satisfied and so I came up with another way to look at it: Conceptually I want to implement a mapping between union type’s members and some corresponding labels to show in the UI, and the simplest way to get that in Elm is an array of tuples:
valuesWithLabels : List ( Currency, String )
valuesWithLabels =
[ ( USD, "USD" )
, ( EUR, "EUR" )
, ( MDL, "MDL" )
Technically, this is all I need to build a reasonably type-safe <select>
any union type, and here is the
that came out of this thought experiment:
module Widgets.Select exposing (fromValuesWithLabels)
import Html exposing (Html, select, option, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (selected)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)
fromValuesWithLabels : List ( a, String ) -> a -> (a -> msg) -> Html msg
fromValuesWithLabels valuesWithLabels defaultValue callback =
optionForTuple ( value, label ) =
option [ selected (defaultValue == value) ] [ text label ]
options valuesWithLabels defaultValue = optionForTuple valuesWithLabels
maybeValueFromLabel l =
List.filter (\( value, label ) -> label == l) valuesWithLabels
|> List.head
valueFromLabel label =
case maybeValueFromLabel label of
Nothing ->
Just ( value, label ) ->
[ onInput (callback << valueFromLabel) ]
(options valuesWithLabels defaultValue)
It needs is:
- a list of tuples
- a default value
- a callback function
Now, when I change the union type, I only need to update the type definition and the list of tuples, which, although not ideal, it seems quite a workable solution. 8-)